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Save The Onward Hall

Project Overview

Project Background

The Onward Hall has existed in its current form for over one hundred years.

As  we understand the hall had already had a life before its move to Yorkley. We unfortunately don’t know exactly what it was before or where it was either, but local people raised the funds to be able to purchase the temporary structure and bring it to Stag Hill in Yorkley. 

Over the past few years the Forest of Dean Brass Band Committee highlighted the need to address the condition of the Onward Hall. In early 2019 it was decided to come up with a plan for repair, refurbishment, and improvements to the building. Meetings were held in 2020 to assess the condition of the building, assess the options for its future and agree the priorities for the refurbishment project.  After starting a fund raising campaign and securing some grant funding, the project was started in earnest in early 2021.


Project Description and Purpose


To future-proof the building and provide a large, multi- functional space suitable for band rehearsals, increased storage, better acoustics and improved facilities to enable more variation in use of the building.

Prioritised Requirements:


• To ensure that the building is fit for purpose for years to come.

• To refurbish the existing building with “Green footprint”.

• To retain the historic metal building look, green in colour, using modern equivalent cladding.

• To improve accessible entrance and exit for all abilities.


• Space for the band to practice in preparation for concerts, competitions and learning.

• Music Library storage area, that is humidity controlled, organised and accessible.

• Instrument storage/racks

• Percussion storage/racks

• Practice pods/Teaching area


• Kitchen, Toilets, Committee room, Wifi, CCTV, Recording facilities, Projector/Sound system, Printer/Photocopier, PA system, New furniture, New heating system, better acoustics.


       What is required to complete the refurbishment 

Our early priority was  to stabilise the building. The building being so old, was starting to lean into the latterly constructed side  extension. Also we knew that we had to move water and waste pipes so that they no longer travelled under the hall itself. Upgraded electrics was also required, to be able to complete the project.

Jim Conroy our building project manager, with a few others removed some of the tin to try to establish the issues. In fact, what was found, although not at all perfect was a much better understanding of what was required. The good news is, that it is repairable and worth the effort to refurbish. In short, some of the brickwork, which the hall stands had started to deteriorate and some of the timber structure needs replacing.

In a bid to make the hall more ecological, the decision was made to remove the tin in sections, make good any defects on the existing structure, add plywood sheets to help further stabilise the structure. This to be covered with insulation and weather proof, breathable membrane and temporarily add the old tin back on top. Once the whole structure has had this treatment, the new old tin can be removed and new galvanised wavy sheets applied.


Once the outside of the hall is complete, we can move to inside and look at floor insulation, a new floor and the facilities within the hall.


How can you help? - please donate or join the forest lottery - see links below.  Thank you

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